How to download games on your mobile phone

14:20 24/06/2018 | View 2600
How to download games to your phone, here is the guide to download games on the phone.

Today's mobile games are the hottest way to entertain. You can  entertain everywhere in  every place is very convenient that the content is increasingly rich.

Play mobile games.

You have a phone with java or android support or higher level than you use the iPhone ... and you want to manually  download games to your phone  . I would like to invite you to download games for free.

You must first determine what operating system you are using. You can check technical specifications on the phone sales site, for example, samsung is usually Google 's Android  operating system  , Microsoft's Windows Phone  , Java and iphone is the IOS operating system   

Three popular smartphone operating systems.


1. Download game on Iphone.

Once you've registered your Apple iTunes account   , go to  "Setting" -> "iTunes & App Store" . Here you select   "Sign In"  to sign in previously registered account.

Login nick itune on iphone.

Next, click on the Appstore  icon  on the screen, where you can download countless games.

Download the game running Android operating system

You hit the Google Play icon outside the screen, this is the application store that google installed on every android. It will prompt you to login to the account then you enter your gmail nick, then you can search and click install to  download the game to your phone  .

How to download games on your mobile phone


Download games for Windows Phone 


To download the game for the  Windows Phone operating system  you need to perform the following two steps:

Step 1: You need to create a  Microsoft account

Step 2: Set up family on  Windows Phone . This section needs to be older than 21 to download the game.

Once you have done the above steps you can download the game to the store by clicking on the item icon to download the game.

How to download games on your mobile phone

Wish you have  downloaded the game  successfully and have some relaxing moments when playing games on your mobile.